Who We Are
God's Plan for Our Lives
God has directed us to minister to the vulnerable and downcast populations in Belize. We believe that the primary need of any individual is to come into relationship with God. This is done by building bridges to peoples hearts through Bible studies, education, and time spent with them.

Various Children's Programs
Reading Camp / Math Camp

Learn and Play Club
Through a combination of lessons and fun activities, 2 and 3 year olds are introduced to life skills, numbers, letters, and Jesus.

Training by Child Evangelism Fellowship
Here is our staff undergoing training online by CEF. they will use CEF training and materials during the time of devotions with the older children at tutoring and the younger children at the Learn and Play Club,

Spectacular Show
The children watched intently for almost an hour as the dancers spun and twirled telling a story using music and dance. The gospel is presented through drama.

Dramatic Truth
A dance troupe visits the Learning Center. Dramatic Truth, tells stories using music and dance, that point to Jesus. The children, and most of the adults, had never seen anything quite like this and were enthralled by their performance. Afterward, The children broke up into groups, and the dancers played games with them and taught them dance!
They are coming back this summer!!!!

Salvation and Bibles
The angels in heaven are rejoicing! Eight children gave their hearts to the Lord! Here is Ms. Lynn giving bibles to some of the children.

Freedom House
Freedom House is a re-entry house for men recovering from difficult lifestyles. We conduct Bible studies and literacy improvement and training. We talk about life application of Bible principles and the development of habits that makes God the center of our decision making process.

Devoted to God
Pastor Manuel, the director of Freedom House. He lives on Campus with the men. God has brought him from a life of addiction to a place of discernment and being able to speak into the lives and building up of the men of Freedom House.
Goal Sheets
When men are admitted to Freedom House, they are introduced to the concept of setting goals. They are encouraged to seek God concerning His plan and purpose for their lives and goals that are in line with His will for them.
Worship at Freedom House
Before our bible study, we have a time of worship and praise. I appreciate the expressions on these brothers faces; There's a sense of peace and contentment radiating from them.

Would you consider supporting us through prayer and giving monetarily. A donation of any amount is truly appreciated. With regular giving, we can make the commitments necessary to send children to school for the time it takes to complete the program. Knowing that you are partnering with us, helps us as we look to expand the work we are presently doing.
Giving can be done through Zelle, using our email; rejbarnaba@gmail.com.
To give through Paypal, click the link below
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